Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Sunday was a long overdue day at the beach with friends that we hadnt seen in a while. They brought the paddleboards, we brought lunch, and I tried paddleboarding for the first time ever! The picture below isnt quite the best example of what paddlebaording is, but being that we were at the beach and in and out of the water all the time, I wasnt game to keep my phone out for extended periods of time. Our friends Tracey and Rodrigo also have a (very active!) doggy that likes to be out on the water as much as Alpie does, so we spent around 4 hours all up on the boards! 
Generally, the aim of paddleboarding is to stand up on it and paddle out in calm water, which I picked up really quickly! Since Geoff had Alpie on the board (see her little face poking out?), his stability wasnt quite as good as mine and ended up paddling around sitting down, for Alpie's sake.
All in all a wonderful day and a new skill learnt :-)

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