Monday, February 18, 2013


When I was a little girl (2), and later on a bigger girl (10), my family took me to the Wuppertal Zoo. Now, I was 1 day shy of turning 27, and it was time to revisit the Zoo.
There are two must-do's when you visit Wuppertal: one - visit the Zoo (
And two: take a ride on the "Swebebahn" (Swaying Train).. yes, it literally is just that. A train that instead of having its tracks on ground, has its tracks attached to the roof and travels along, over your head from an elevated railway.
In fact, if you visit the Zoo first, you can buy a 'combo ticket' to both and save a few dollars. 

Bratwurst, Knackwurst, Weisswurst.. all cooking on the hot plate suspended over the coals. Yum!

The iconic "Swebebahn"

Figuring out our route for the 24 ha zoo!

Grizzly...seeming to be blissfully unaware

"Baby" Polar bear

Alpie?!?!? Nope, Candian white wolves

Finally got face to face with my starsign animal - the Capricorn!

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